Tickets for one attraction
Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens
Abbotsbury Swannery
Please ensure you visit the Tesco Clubcard website and request your Tesco voucher before you visit. The voucher cannot be used on this website and can only be used at the onsite ticket office.
Offers & Discounts
Please note that discounts, such as RHS/Historic Houses (Gardens only), 2-4-1 offers and other offers must be redeemed when you visit.
Please do not book on this website, but bring the proof of your discount with you when you visit. Thank you.
Tickets for both attractions
Passport Tickets for both attractions
Annual Season Tickets
Purchase Season Tickets – unlimited visits to both Abbotsbury Attractions for 12 months
Gift Vouchers
Visit both attractions with our great value for money Passport ticket – the perfect gift!