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Online booking advisable but not required          Websites: Swannery / Gardens          Tickets: Gardens / Swannery / Season Ticket

This charity ball at Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens will be raising money for the following charities:

  • The Lexi May Trust (registered charity no. 1169177) are a Dorset based charity set up to fund family days out for children diagnosed with a terminal or life limiting illness. This charity was set up by Carly and Michael Hopkin to honour their daughter Lexi who they lost to DIPG in January 2016.
  • Abbie’s Army (registered charity no. 1149400) are the only UK based charity raising funds solely for DIPG research, led by Amanda and Ray Mifsud in memory of their daughter Abbie who passed away in 2011 to DIPG.

It will be held on Saturday 16th September 2023, from 6pm, and tickets are £45 per head.

Please select a table from the range of options below:

Your ticket will include:

  • Entry to the Gardens
  • 2 course tapas sharing board buffet
  • Disco
  • Casino
  • A welcome drink
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